Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fun day in disguise

I did not expect yesterday to go the way it did. My sister asked to come over so I could help her with a project and I said yes but I'll need to do school with the boy first.

The project was much, much bigger than I had thought it would be and the boy had to fend for himself. I'm sure he was broken up that he didn't have to do his Barton lesson that day. ;)

What he did do was create a quiver and ballista type thing from left over tubes and rubber bands. He had so much fun, his only unfun part was that I didn't get up and help him use the drill. I was happy he actually waited until his father got home since he knew he shouldn't be using the drill by himself, yeah cub scouts! He was firing it last night to try to calibrate it and see how far it would go. He used his Stomp Rockets as the ammo and I will say that the rubber band does not send it as far as the air booster but he is learning. Learning to make weaponry but learning.

I wonder what today will bring?

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Learning to make weaponry while having fun at the same time. What could be better??